"Allusions of Grandeur" oil 6"x 8" My niece and nephew commissioned this acorn painting for my sister for Christmas. It is a companion piece to the "Pine with Cone" I did for her earlier.
At the end of each year Karin Jurick has a portrait exchange for her blog followers. 180 people are participating this year. Very fun to see what everyone paints. This is the portrait I created from the photo reference at the right. You can see the others on Karin's blog
The Coachella Valley Watercolor Society show at the Palm Desert Visitor Center had a great opening reception December 7th despite torrential rains. The show features 10 top award-winning CVWS members. The City of Palm Desert, CA heavily promotes their juried Community Gallery and provided lovely refreshments. The Visitor Center is such a beautiful location for a show and is very well-staffed. Show runs until Jan 24, 2010. Visit the Community Gallery site to see all the artists' work http://www.palm-desert.org/arts-culture/public-art/community-gallery