Friday, April 23, 2010

"Organized Chaos" hits the road with NWS traveling show

Bob Nash, executive director of the Cultural Center of Cape Cod, hangs “Organized Chaos” for the first stop of the 2010 traveling exhibit of the National Watercolor Society. The society received over 1,100 submissions for the national show. Prominent jurors narrowed the number to 100, and 27 are part of the traveling show. When the exhibit closes on May 23, the cultural center will send it on to the next venue, the Zanesville Art Center in Ohio. From there it will travel to Kerrville, Texas and then Pleasanton, California.
"Organized Chaos," 12" x 18" watercolor on 300# Arches cold press

Monday, April 5, 2010

Indian Wells Arts Festival was fantastic

I won first place in watercolor for "Hot as a Heartbeat." I also won a ribbon for Best Local Artist presented by a local chain of high-end gourmet grocery stores called Jensen's. In addition to the ribbon, Jensen's wants to sell my cards in their stores. Yay! I sold lots of my mini oils. I sold prints and note cards and a watercolor. I got a commission to paint a BMW and was asked to design a logo for a car company. Saw lots of friends, made new ones and had a wonderful weekend. From another source I got a request today from the Chairman of a Date Growers Group to do a painting for related I'm sure...waiting to hear back. This is going to be a great year!