Saturday, March 19, 2011

Elevator Art

Elevator music is unobtrusive arrangements of popular songs that are designed to be played as background music. I say "elevator art" is unobtrusive art that people buy to fit in with their decor. When I look at model homes, etc. that seems to be what you see. No great masterpieces....just "decor art." I found these heavy wooden frames at a home decor store and thought I'd reuse them sans art. However, the art was permanently attached to the frames. Sooooo, I painted over the art with a gold metallic paint creating a basket weave pattern and then added the white flowers.
Sometimes elevator art is just the ticket to enhance a certain space rather than a "masterpiece" :-}


Carol Nelson said...

I like your term: elevator art. It's almost invisible. That being said, I like what you did with your framed prints.

Diane Morgan said...

Thanks, Carol. I think there's a lot of elevator art out there :-} These aren't prints. I used oil to paint the gold background and the white flowers directly on the board attached to the frames.